Article: The basics of Collagen Protein

The basics of Collagen Protein
Collagen is a Protein. Collagen is not vegan as it is derived as normally Marine (fish – from bones or scales or both) or Bovine (often cow
Why take a collagen supplement?
That can be determined in the scientific study describing, “Collagen fibres accumulate damage over time and this decreases their ability to function correctly. Intrinsically aged skin is generally characterised by dermal atrophy with reduced density of collagen fibres,
elastin, and hyaluronic acid…” In addition to reduced density, the collagen and elastin fibres can be observed to be disorganized and abnormal in aged skin compared to young and healthy skin…”
Also stated in the study, "…the researchers reported a peak in collagen content for subjects between 25-34 years old, followed by a gradual decline equating to an approximate 25% decrease over 4 decades…”
Skin collagen through the life stages: importance for skin
health and beauty